Sunday, January 30, 2011

long time no blog

So it's been what.. almost 6 months since I last posted something on my blog! Horrible. I actually forgot that I even had a blog until I got into a discussion with my internet un-saavy mother last night about why people even have blogs. I opened up mine, and started reading some of my posts to her. I actually realized that what I had written about was kind of entertaining, and that I should pick this up again.
I did stop blogging for a reason, however. This was because my life was in a period of change, and it was stuff that was difficult to deal with in my head, let alone on my public blog. I think I've gotten things sorted out in my head now, however, and I couldn't be happier with where I am.

The last time I posted anything, I was getting ready to resign from my position at STMicroelectronics and move to my hometown, New York City. That was in August 2010. Now it's January 2011 and I have settled back in my old NYC ways. I am no longer a young professional, but now a mature student. I've gone from living in my own fabulously chic apartment in the center of Milan to squatting in my mom's apartment on Manhattan's east side. I have gone from eating fresh mozzarella and tomato caprese salads to bagels and lox.
The change in scenery has been refreshing to my senses, and I hope to post more about what I'm up to these days soon! ciao ciao

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About Me

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I'm a 26 year old Swedish-American half breed living in Milan. Born in Ă–stersund, Sweden, raised in Manhattan and moved on to live in Montreal, Gothenburg, Milan, and have come full circle back to NYC. I've got an amazing family I'm very close with(even though we always seem to be spread across 3 different continents) and the best friends anyone could ask for.