Monday, March 14, 2011

it's a slippery slope...

Ok so please don't think I am the worst daughter ever after watching this, but I had to post it because it is the funniest thing I have ever filmed and possibly ever witnessed. 
Background: my mom and I have been going to Zermatt for 6 years in a row now for our skiing ritual. The past 3 years we've been joined by Heather, and discovered that not only is Zermatt skiing paradise, but also excellent for the sledder in us all! This video was filmed as my mom attempted to cross a ski slope that the sledding trail intersects and happens to be quite steep to cross on foot. Crossing this ski slope has been a nightmare for my mom for years now, always thinking of what would happen if she were to slip. Last year as we walked through the forest she even collected sprigs of evergreen leaves that she wanted to tie to the bottom of her shoes to give her some added traction while crossing this passage. 
I never expected what would happen this year, and was even more surprise at how my sister Heather reacted!

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About Me

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I'm a 26 year old Swedish-American half breed living in Milan. Born in Östersund, Sweden, raised in Manhattan and moved on to live in Montreal, Gothenburg, Milan, and have come full circle back to NYC. I've got an amazing family I'm very close with(even though we always seem to be spread across 3 different continents) and the best friends anyone could ask for.