Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gold-plated microwaved yeast

Hi and welcome to my blog, "quo vadis?". As I'm writing I'm kind of wondering who in the world will be reading this, but I guess that's a question I can't answer at the moment! Since I'm really new at this and I don't even know what kind of information is really "blogworthy" anyway I suppose I can start off by telling everyone why I decided to start this blog.

It was yesterday. I was at work, listening to a salesman make a presentation about a super-spiffy maskless lithography machine that our research group is considering buying. This salesman was classic. About 50 or so, nice suit, leather shoes (all Italian people wear is leather shoes), well-prepared with a box of jellied fruit candies and a presentation full of micrographs that would tickle the imagination of any nanotechnologist. (Don't ask me why but I found that my attention kept drifting away from the micrographs and towards those sugary jelly candies..) Another detail about this guy that I couldn't avoid noticing: he was bald, like totally bald, and freshly shaven, with carefully-trimmed eyebrows, but with the hairiest earlobes I've ever seen. It's mind-boggling to me how someone who clearly pays attention to their appearance, and especially their facial hair, can skip over trimming those windy, wirey, 1-inch long earlobe hairs. Some things are beyond my comprehension, I suppose this is just one of them. Signore Lobehair presents this instrument to us using a PowerPoint presentation and flipping through the slides of micrographs while briefly giving examples of different potential applications. He pauses at a slide with an image of a microstructure that has an application he thinks we'll be particularly interested in, remembering that our group is involved in nanoBIOtech, biosensors, and so on. The application here? Attempted genocide of yeast cells, ie. saccharomyces cerevisiae, through the use of a microwave, was evaluated by coating the seemingly-dead cells in gold and measuring any movement of the cells with the electrode sensor. If you've ever asked yourself if yeast can survive being microwaved, just slap some gold on those puppies and measure their movement with an electrode. Huh?! Anyway, as I was listening to this I was just thinking that it sounded like a terrible science fiction flick or even a future episode of "Look Around You", or maybe just the greatest idea ever that I need to share with the world through my new blog..!

My life in the past year has flip-flopped between comedic, distressing, confusing, desultory, random, and tranquil, but always interesting. I hope you'll all enjoy these entries from my young-adulthood, whether they're about work, friends, fun, love, family, travels.. or anything else in between.

Ciao ciao!

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About Me

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I'm a 26 year old Swedish-American half breed living in Milan. Born in Ă–stersund, Sweden, raised in Manhattan and moved on to live in Montreal, Gothenburg, Milan, and have come full circle back to NYC. I've got an amazing family I'm very close with(even though we always seem to be spread across 3 different continents) and the best friends anyone could ask for.